giovedì 24 marzo 2011

Strano, ma sempre più reale

Da due articoli inglesi trapelano delle indiscrezioni serie sulla presenza di David Gilmour ad una delle date del Wall Tour di Waters. Un incontro particolare, dopo la brusca rottura che portò dietro cause giudiziarie e una marea di problemi, nonostante il riavvicinamento per il Live8 e altre due o tre iniziative benefiche. La voglia di Mason di riunire tutti forse sta iniziando a sortire effetti.. Ecco a voi quello che sono riuscito a scovare:


Roger Waters The Wall Tour Dates

If you want to know where Roger Waters will be playing on The Wall Tour in 2010 and 2011, then take a look on NPF at the full list of Roger Waters Tour Dates. He is starting off in Canada on 15th September 2010 at Air Canada Center. His final concert is in Budapest, Hungary on 22nd June 2011!

David Gilmour on The Wall Tour with Roger Waters

As you no doubt have heard, Roger Waters managed to get David Gilmour to agree to play guitar on one song at just one of The Wall Tour concerts! This is because David asked Roger Waters to play at the Hoping Foundation fundraiser the other month for charity to raise money for Palestinian kids affected by war. A very political move by Roger Waters and David Gilmour that Roger Waters is more than happy to be involved with given his interest in world politics!

Which Wall Concert will David Gilmour Play At with Roger Waters?

Anyway, David has probably decided which concert he will be playing at by now and could be at any one of the concerts on The Wall Tour! Do leave a comment below and let us know where you would like David Gilmour to play!


David Gilmour and Roger Waters | Hoping Fundraiser | Oxford
David Gilmour and Roger Waters | Hoping Fundraiser | Oxfor
Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour is to join his old band mate Roger Waters onThe Wall Live Tour either in 2010 or 2011 at one concert to play Comfortably Numb on guitar!
Roger played with Gilmour at a concert last Saturday 10th July 2010 for the Hoping fundraiser and, as part of their playful negotiations to get that happening, David agreed to play guitar at one concert on the song Comfortably Numb!
Now, before all the messages start flooding into my inbox, please be aware that not even David Gilmour knows which concert he will be playing at so we will all have to wait and see!
You can read Roger Waters’ Facebook note below and feel free to discuss this news on the forum.

Roger’s Note on Facebook

So here’s what happened. Last year, ‘The Hoping Foundation’ a charity that supports Palestinian refugee kids, ( put on a fund raiser at Ronnie Scott’s Club in London, the idea of which was to raise money by auctioning karaoke performances by various celebrities. David was there as a supporter and was moved to perform an impromptu rendition of George Gershwin’s ‘Summertime?’ which he performed aided and abetted by supermodel Kate Moss.
In the wake of that evening, someone, I think it was David himself, came up with this ‘Wouldn’t it be funny’, idea. What if he (David that is) were to sing the old Teddy Bears song ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’ with me (Roger that is), what with us having been so famously at each other’s throats for years and years. Get it!!!! Anyway he E-mailed me with this suggestion and I loved it, so then it was just a question of juggling dates and deciding to do ‘Wish You Were Here’ and ‘Comfortably Numb’ to round out our little set. Or so I thought, until he sent me a number of very musical and eloquent demos of how we could do the song in two-part harmony. I listened with a sinking heart, knowing that David, with his superior vocal skills, could sing either part standing on his head, whilst I would have to search for a different key and then struggle through hours and hours of routining a performance that lay way outside my vocal comfort zone. To my eternal shame I bottled out and told Dave I would happily do ‘Wish You Were Here’ and ‘C. Numb’, but that ‘To Know him is to Love him’ was beyond me.
Some weeks passed with David cajoling me from time to time, telling me how easy it would be, but I clung resolutely to my fear of failure until one day he made one final entreaty. I quote “If you do ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’ for The Hoping Foundation Gig, I’ll come and do ‘C. Numb’ on one of your Wall shows”. Well! You could have knocked me down with a feather. How fucking cool! I was blown away. How could I refuse such an offer. I couldn’t, there was no way. Generosity trumped fear. And so explaining that I would probably be shite, but if he didn’t mind I didn’t, I agreed and the rest is history. We did it, and it was fucking great. End of story. Or possibly beginning.
PS. Just heard from David, he will decide in due course which gig he wants to do, it will be a surprise!
Che ne pensate?? Parteciperà o no, il caro Gilmour?

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