giovedì 31 marzo 2011

Matilda Mother, le fiabe nel rock

Un brano di quello strano album che è The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, una fiaba raccontata e interrotta, tra le richieste del bimbo alla madre nel ritornello, dove emerge la stranezza di Barret nel raccontare anche temi frivoli come una sana fiaba infantile.

La musica è fantastica, i rumori di fondo ancora di più (sono uno dei punti di forza della genialità Floyddiana).


There was a king who ruled the land
His Majesty was in command
with silver eyes the scarlet eagle
showered silver on the people

Oh mother tell me more
Why'd you have to leave me there
hanging in my infant chair
You only have to read the lines
they're scribbled in black and everything shines

Across the stream with wooden shoes
bells to tell the king the news
a thousand misty riders climb up
higher once upon a time

Wandering and dreaming
the words had different meanings
yes they did

For all the time spent in that view
the doll's house darkness' old perfume
and fairy-stories held me high
on clouds of sunlight floating by

Oh mother tell me more
tell me more 

"Matilda Mother" is a song by British psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd, and is featured on their debut album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967).[1][2] Written by Syd Barrett, the song is sung mostly by Richard Wright with Barrett joining in on choruses and singing the whole last verse.

The lyrics quote fragments of fairy tales as read from a book to the singer by his mother ("read(ing) the scribbly black", referring to writing in a book as a child sees it), and in the chorus he implores her to "tell me more". The song also laments the loss of childhood, indicating these narrations are being recalled years later, and notes that "the words had different meaning", suggesting the child may have misinterpreted the stories at the time.[original research?]
The song begins with an unusual bass and organ interlude. Roger Waters repeatedly plays the B on the 16th fret of the G-string by varying the lower note from D to F sharp on the D string. Unlike many older beat and pop songs, the guitar rarely plays chords, and most unusually for Western music, Richard Wright provides an organ solo in the F# Phrygian dominant scale with a natural sixth instead of its typical flatted counterpart. The song ends with a simple E mixolydian-based waltz with wordless vocal harmonies of Richard Wright and Syd Barrett.
Barrett originally wrote the song around verses from Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales, in which a series of naughty children, including Matilda, receive their (often gruesome) comeuppance. He was forced to rewrite and re-record the track when Belloc's estate unexpectedly denied permission to use these lyrics.[3]
On the Masters of Rock compilation album, the song was misspelled "Mathilda Mother".

  • Matilda Mother
Nel terzo brano Barrett si cimenta nel suo ruolo di geniale pifferaio e menestrello portandoci nel mondo di una favola che si interrompe e poi riprende, quasi l'incitamento di un bambino affinché la madre non smetta di raccontargli la favola che tutto fa risplendere. La solenne atmosfera creata durante il racconto è interrotta da un malinconico “Mother, tell me more” ("mamma, raccontami ancora").

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